Mostly Crap

I called this page mostly crap, because that's what it is. I usually only try and write poetry (if you can even call it that) only when I think I'm in love, depressed, or depressed about being in love. Thus much of this will be sappy drivel and crap, most of its old, but for some reason I felt the need to annoy you with it.

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Location: Walnut Creek, California, United States

I'm not your average 28 year old. I like to engage in highly dorky pursuits, and to date highly attractive women. (Well, just one at a time) I'd like to say I get by on my wit and charm... but we all know that just isn't true. I happily find myself in the Bay Area, where I enjoy the temperate weather, sweaters in June, and rolling landscapes. I do miss the raging thunderstorms of Central Texas, but as they drive my dog insane, its probably for the best. I hope you enjoy the inner workings of my dorkiness, feel free to comment as necessary. (Unless its about grammar, puncuation or spelling, then I don't wanna hear it!)

Friday, February 04, 2005

Ode to my readers! (this is a new one)

I type, I type,
I endlessly type...

I mock, complain,
I curse, and groan.
I make my feelings known.

My thoughts and dreams
My curiousities and quirks
You are the witness to my sanity,
(or lack thereof).

I post, I post,
I endlessly post...

You read, comment,
You laugh and smirk.
You forward on to friends?

My hobbies and passions,
My victories and failures,
You see my soul laid bare,
(and you come back for more).

I blog, I blog,
I endlessly blog...

and all I ask, is you read.


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